
What does the Board do?

This post describes Corporate Boards – What do they do? How do I join one? and What are my responsibilities as a Director? A board of directors is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of a company or organization, which can include a non-profit organization or a government agency … Read more

Imagination defines humanity

It is imagination that makes humans unique in nature. Genetically we differ 2% from chimpanzees and 3% from worms. It is not our genes that have us living in penthouses and connecting on facebook. Our difference is the human cortex, the layer of brain that is most highly developed in humans.  The cortex is where … Read more

12 Abuses: Ancient Irish Wisdom for Kings

De duodecim abusivis saeculi “On the Twelve Abuses of the World” is a self-help book written by an Irish author between 630 and 700AD.  You could say that it was the earliest precursor to Steven Covey, Brian Tracy or Jim Rohn. The work was widely propagated throughout Europe by Irish missionaries in the 8th century. Its authorship was often … Read more

Are Business and Society always in Conflict?

Communities are Conservative, Business is Progressive There is an inherent conflict between communities and companies.  Communities (family, neighbourhood, tradition) try to maintain stability.  Companies are driven by the nature of the capitalism market system to innovate and change. (See Schumpeter’s “creative destruction” on wikipedia) . Stability vs Destruction Companies close their factories and replace deeply experienced craft … Read more