
4 simple steps to become a great speaker

Jim Rohn says that there are four simple steps to becoming a great speaker:

  1. Have something to say.
  2. Say it well.
  3. Read your audience.
  4. Intensity (the right words mixed with measured emotion).

How do we get something good to say? Live a full live. Meet lots of people. Fail. Succeed. Remember what it felt like and be able to share the emotion as well as the facts of what happened. Write a journal. Keep track of your stories.

How do we say it well? Prepare. Start strong. Breathe. Look up. Pause. Practice (lots).

How can you read the audience? Look at them. Listen to them. Feel the emotion of the room, of your listener – by feeling your own emotion.

Intensity – how do we get the right emotion? Tell personal stories. Share something. Only stories allow us to share emotion with others.

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