
What is an Entrepreneur?

My definition of an entrepreneur: Someone who has more ideas than resources.

“But I don’t have any ideas…”

If you don’t have ideas, then you are not an entrepreneur. There are millions of things that frustrate me every day. Find something frustrating and think how to reduce the frustration. If you are not frustrated by something every day, please send me the instructions for how to live like you!

If you have too many resources, then you are lucky.

No Entry
photo: Martin Deutsch

Lucky is not a great long term life strategy.

“But I can’t find an investor…”

The lack of resources is a test. If you can do something with very little, then you can do more with a bit. No investor wants to give you a bit until you can show that you can make progress with what you have. Investors really want to be in projects that will work without them (just slower).

There is always a step you can take without anybody else’s permission. Find it and do it. Keep doing that. The money will come when you prove you don’t really need it.

Do the next right thing.  This is what an entrepreneur does.

How do I know if I have a good idea?  Here is a simple test.

This post was inspired by a discussion started by Ciara over at my Linked-In Group.

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