
Announcing Jedi Productivity Blog Series: 11 Steps to Stop Procrastinating and Get Important Stuff Done

This is the Star Wars Jedi Productivity blog post series.  There will be 11 posts coming weekly every Tuesday for… yes… just counted it… the next 11 weeks.  These posts will guide your journey from a wilful, novice young pretender who is controlled by time…  into a magnificent Jedi who uses time as her own power.


Published Jedi Productivity Posts

  1. Jedi Productivity Presentation
  2. Jedi Productivity 11 of 11: We need you. The Jedi must Prevail over the Evil Empire and why you matter
  3. Jedi Productivity 10 of 11: ”Luke! you switched off your targeting computer!” making time for yourself
  4. Jedi Productivity 9 of 11: Yoda’s first rule: Do or do not, there is no try
  5. Jedi Productivity 8 of 11: How the Death Star commander runs his Hyper-effective Meetings
  6. Jedi Productivity 7 of 11: R2D2, C3PO and the Power of Delegation
  7. Jedi Productivity 6 of 11: “Use the phone Luke…” Master the telephone
  8. Jedi Productivity 5 of 11: Han Solo’s guide to Getting on top of the Email Inbox (a.k.a. Jabba the Hutt)
  9. Jedi Productivity 4 of 11: Obi-Wan’s guide to say “No”, (these are not the droids you are looking for…)
  10. Jedi Productivity 3 of 11: Deal with Darth Vader’s Evil “Urgent” Interruptions
  11. Jedi Productivity 2 of 11: The Emperor’s guide to Goal Setting and the 20 Mile March (LT, ST, habits)
  12. Jedi Productivity 1 of 11: Obi-Wan says “Be Systematic” if you want Productivity (and balance)

Jedi Productivity Blog Series

11 Steps to Stop Procrastination and End Evil (get important stuff done)

  1. Jedi Productivity 1 of 11: Obi-Wan says “Be Systematic” if you want Productivity (and balance)
  2. Jedi Productivity 2 of 11: The Emperor’s guide to Goal Setting and the 20 Mile March (LT, ST, habits)
  3. Jedi Productivity 3 of 11: Deal with Darth Vader’s Evil “Urgent” Interruptions
  4. Jedi Productivity 4 of 11: Obi-Wan’s guide to say “No”, (these are not the droids you are looking for…)
  5. Jedi Productivity 5 of 11: Han Solo’s guide to Getting on top of the Email Inbox (a.k.a. Jabba the Hutt)
  6. Jedi Productivity 6 of 11: “Use the phone Luke…” Master the telephone
  7. Jedi Productivity 7 of 11: R2D2, C3PO and the Power of Delegation
  8. Jedi Productivity 8 of 11: How the Death Star commander runs his Hyper-effective Meetings
  9. Jedi Productivity 9 of 11: Yoda’s first rule: Do or do not, there is no try
  10. Jedi Productivity 10 of 11: “Luke! you switched off your targeting computer!” making time for yourself
  11. Jedi Productivity 11 of 11: We need you. The Jedi must Prevail over the Evil Empire and why you matter


Don’t Miss The Path to Jedi

I’ll be posting weekly so check back each week for the new instalment of “force”.  Subscribing is a great idea, that way you don’t end your journey before reaching Jedi status.  That would be sad.  Very sad.  And we need all the force we can get.  So…  here’s the subscription button:

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