
Need an Easy Win?

Some days feel harder to get going than others.  The big mission feels a bit too big for today.  I need something else, something smaller: An Easy Win.

What are my easy wins?

One is a blog post.  I never allow myself to take more than 20 minutes before I hit publish, and there is some pretty instant feedback as readers start to register on the wordpress statistics.  A blog post doesn’t change the world, but each one helps me clarify my thinking and become more articulate in expressing myself.

An even lazier win is to check my latest view statistics on youtube.  This probably shouldn’t be counted in the category of win, but it makes me feel like my work matters (100,000 views per month…  makes me feel very important for a minute).

Another easy win is to call a friend and listen, and thank them for their work.  This always leads to me feeling better and having energy to get back onto something important.

What are your easy wins?

Do you have a list of easy wins?  Some days you need a little kick to get you started on the day and a simple list of easy wins can make the difference between a day spent playing playstation and a day spent making tomorrow slightly better.  Some easy wins we can achieve are:

  • Go for a 15 minute walk around the block (health)
  • Phone a friend: listen and help someone (build a relationship)
  • Make a short video explaining a project to practice your communication (growth, mastery)
  • Practice the piano (mastery)
  • Review your bucket list and set a date for an adventure (vision)
  • Write a positive recommendation for someone that has helped you on linkedin (relationship)
  • Watch a TED talk (growth)

What are your easy wins?  Any good ones will go onto my own list!  thanks 😉

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