
Entrepreneurial Sales: Overcoming the 3 big objections

I’ve done a lot of sales over the last 16 years. I was bad at the beginning, but step by step have learnt how to sell.

There are always 3 big questions in the mind of any buyer that you must be able to address if you are to move forward with a contract.

The 3 Big Questions in the mind of the Buyer:

  1. Why buy Anything?
  2. Why buy from you?
  3. Why buy now?

Often I see salespeople and entrepreneurs have wonderful, powerful, clear answers and evidence for questions 1 and 2… but the buyer says “I agree the product is good, I agree you are a solid company… call me back in 2-3 months when we have got through this busy period…”

This response is worse than a simple No. A simple No, you close the opportunity and you move on.

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