
There are no solutions, only trade-offs.

“CEOs are in the business of making decisions” Sam Reese, Vistage CEO I’ve been reflecting this week on a quote from Economist Thomas Sowell “There are no solutions, only trade-offs.” I work with CEOs. They take decisions. They feel responsible for the consequences of these decisions. They often wait to find a “perfect solution” rather … Read more

Being a good manager (of yourself)

I’ve met some excellent business managers… who are extremely poor managers of their own life. They get results. They support others. They build capable, effective teams. Their business grows. …but they are not joyful. They are not waking up motivated each day. They are not finding themselves energised through the day by the activities, people … Read more

Exceptional Results

“Sometimes all you need for exceptional results is average effort repeated for an above-average amount of time.” James Clear Consistency beats brilliance. The 20 mile march. Daily progress. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step… and you’ll reach it within a year if you go for 3 miles a day. I’ve … Read more

Cynicism is a Choice… and so is Hope

Bad stuff happens. Bad actors exist. Decent people do bad things. Bad people do their things. Nature does it’s thing… storms, snow and clouds. It can look pretty bleak some days. The news can seem to be a constant flow of disasters, invasions, road accidents, kidnappings and domestic violence. (This is my summary of the … Read more

Most people prefer a problem they can’t fix to a solution they don’t like

“Most people prefer a problem they can’t fix to a solution they don’t like” Lee Thayer This sentence is mad…. but there is a certain truth to it. Lee Thayer is the author of several books on the practice of Leadership. He was a big proponent of working to integrate thinking, being and doing into … Read more

The Importance of Persistence… The Ant Philosophy

Persistence is one of the most important qualities that a person can possess. It is the ability to persevere, to keep going even in the face of obstacles and setbacks. In life, success often depends on persistence more than anything else. In this video: Whether you’re trying to achieve a personal goal or working towards … Read more

Reputation for getting up early = you can stay in bed all day

Reputation… “the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone”; “a widespread belief that someone or something has a particular characteristic.” Your reputation shapes how people see you. “A man with a reputation for getting up early can stay in bed all day” Irish proverb The reputation you have shapes how everything you do … Read more