
Five ideas to start your week

Photo Credit: SteveJM2009
Photo Credit: SteveJM2009

Five little productive ideas to start the week from five interesting bloggers and authors.

  1. The end of busy at Zen Habits from Leo Babauta.  “Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing.” Lao Tzu.
  2. Feeding the Idea Beast at the 168 hour blog by Laura Vanderkam. Where do breakthrough ideas really come from?  PS Not checking email, answering phone, sitting in meetings…  “Stress comes from spending time on stuff that doesn’t matter.”
  3. Entrepreneurs (this applies to everybody) must take control of their time at Startup Professionals Musings by Marty Zwilling
  4. Hope and the Magic Lottery by Seth Godin at his blog.  There are 2 types of entrepreneurial hope.  One is good.  One is very bad for you.
  5. The surprising truth about what motivates us – a 10 minute whiteboard cartoon video that summarises Daniel Pink’s book Drive.  Video is on the blog here.

Enjoy your week.

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