Speaking as a Leader | Congratulations on making your First Video

Speak as a Leader: 10 weeks email-driven course

Congratulations on Starting the Webcam

You have made your first video.  It is a powerful tool to grow as a communicator.  It can be brutal, but it will help you in a massive way.

It took me years to be happy with how I look, sound and speak on the webcam.  Years of not liking how I looked, how I gestured, how I rubbed my chin or my nose, how I was searching for the words and not transmitting confidence in what I was saying…  years…

But, the improvement doesn’t take years.  People will notice your improvement in days or in weeks.  Your clarity will improve in days.

Well done.  This is an important step.

You have my respect for beginning this journey.

– Conor

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