
We are Blind to anything beyond our Imagination, A story of a lost tribe in Papua New Guinea

This is a story about a lost tribe in Papua New Guinea. They were brought to the city of Singapore and shown skyscrapers, airports, factories, supermarkets, homes and life. When they were on their way back to their mountain village, they were asked: “What is the most incredible thing you have seen during your days … Read more

Start with the End in Mind (Learn to Use your Imagination)

Genetically we differ 2% from chimpanzees and 3% from worms. Our big difference is the cortex, the upper layer of the brain.  The cortex is the home of imagination. Imagination gives us the choice to live intentionally.  We can make a choice: lead a life that is not just response to stimuli, but building towards … Read more

Imagination defines humanity

It is imagination that makes humans unique in nature. Genetically we differ 2% from chimpanzees and 3% from worms. It is not our genes that have us living in penthouses and connecting on facebook. Our difference is the human cortex, the layer of brain that is most highly developed in humans.  The cortex is where … Read more