
TED Talks by IESE Faculty [video playlist]

Join our #YouTubePlaylist #TEDtalks by our Faculty http://t.co/28DT0bQPhT with Professors @PankajGhemawat @xavieroliver @cuchullainn — IESE Business School (@iesebschool) June 13, 2014 IESE Faculty TED Talks Follow these speakers IESE Business School [twitter-follow screen_name=’iesebs’ show_count=’yes’] Pankaj Ghemawat [twitter-follow screen_name=’PankajGhemawat’ show_count=’yes’] Xavier Oliver [twitter-follow screen_name=’xavieroliver’ show_count=’yes’] Conor Neill [twitter-follow screen_name=’cuchullainn’ show_count=’yes’]

The 3 Hardest Words in Management

What are the 3 words that managers find hardest to say? They are possibly the 3 words that parents find hardest to say to children.  They are 3 words that teachers very rarely say to their students. They are not “You’re the Best”. They are not “I love you”.  What might they be? The 3 hardest … Read more

Interview: Manel Baucells, Author of Engineering Happiness

Manel Baucells was the favourite Professor amongst students when I did my MBA at IESE Business School.  He taught Decision Analysis.  There are certain types of situation under which humans will take poor (rational) decisions.  We study this subject so that we can reduce the likelihood that we will take similar poor decisions under similar … Read more

6 Steps for Business Problem Solving

The 6 steps for Business Problem Solving What is the Problem? What Alternatives exist? What Criteria are important? Analyse alternatives against criteria Choose the Best Option. Define the Execution Plan. These steps come from the IESE MBA Course Analysis of Business Problems (ABP).  Wikipedia has a great section on Structured Decision Making models.

HR’s most important task. A real paradox (especially for MBAs)

I am in IESE Business School’s library today.  I am reading Jeffrey Pfeffer‘s article “HR’s most important task“.  He starts: “Here is a paradox.  In the financial markets, investment information is rapidly and efficiently diffused.  New product and service innovations, be they junk bonds, new forms of options, or debt securities that allocate and price risk in … Read more

The best teacher I had in school

Mr Matz. He taught biology.  I was 14.  I was living in Chicago having moved from Dublin and going to New Trier Township High school up in the northern suburbs. Mr Matz started the first class by holding up the biology textbook and asking how much it was worth?  $30.  He told us that if we learnt everything … Read more